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【邮 编】332500
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Far-infrared plaster forpain
(acupoint application)
[ProductName] Far-infraredplaster for pain
[Chinesephonetic alphabet] yuan hong wai shang tong tie
[Specification] 80mm*105mm
[Composition] Theproduct contains base material, pearlized film, nonwovenfabrics and release paper. Base material consists of far-infrared powder andmedical heat-melting adhesive.
[Description] Appearanceof the product is flat and the cutting edge is neat,nondegumming, nonleak adhesive, nondestructive and nonpollution. Medical heatmeltingadhesive is tan and aromatic. Surface of adhesive is welldistributed, colourand lustre is consistent, and no leakage on the back.
[Mechanism] The product is effectivefor expediting channel, activating meridian, activating blood and relievingpain through applying on acupoints.
[Application]Theproduct is applicable for alleviating the pain associated withrheumatoid arthritis, cervical syndrome, shoulder periarthritis, lumbar musclestrain, lumbar and leg pain, sprain and contusion.
[Directions] The product is for external use. Keep affected area clean whenuse, remove release papers,stick it onto affected area (Ashi acupoint).
Each plaster can be used for 6-8 hours or consult yourdoctor.
[Warnings& Cautions]
1.Pregnant & lactation women,highly allergicperson,patients with hyperthermia, and diabetics are forbidden
2. It cannot apply for patients who suffer from heartdisease
3.Patients with skin breakage, bleeding tendency orbleeding after injury are prohibited.
4. Acute injury should be used after 24 hours
5. Shorten using time or stop using if skin rash orallergy.
6.Children should be used under adult supervision.
[Storage] Storein sealed conditionunder room temperature.
[Package] 2 plasters per box
[Manufactringdate] Seeproduct label
[Validity] 24 months
[Registrationnumber] GXZZ 21052260099
[Producttechnical requirements] GXZZ 21052260099
[Productionlicense No.] GSYJXSCX 20150073
[Producer] JiuJiang GaokePharmaceutical Technology CO., LTD
[Registrant] JiuJiang GaokePharmaceutical Technology CO., LTD
[Productionaddress] SouthJinsha road, Jinshawan industrial park, Hukou County, Jiujiang city, Jiangxiprovince, China
[Consultingtelephone] 0792-6383888
[Post code] 332500
[Web site] www.jjgaoke.com
[Contactinformation of Registrant] 0792-6383999
[Compile time] December20th, 2014